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John Robb (Goldblade)

John Robb (born in Blackpool, England) is a vocalist in the punk rock band Goldblade. Based in Manchester, he frequently appears as a journalist/commentator on documentary/light entertainment music shows. Robb was inspired by the DIY ethic of punk to form the critically acclaimed Membranes who released several albums in the 1980s. He then went on to write for the music paper Sounds and was the first person in the world to interview Nirvana as well as being the first to write about the new Madchester scene of the Stone Roses and Happy Mondays in Sounds music paper in the late eighties. He also coined the term 'Britpop' whilst writing for Sounds in 1989. He is currently working on a history of Manchester Music book and a book about the eighties underground scene as well as developing ideas for TV. He was also the spokesperson for the Tony Wilson day in Manchester- the Tony Wilson Experience. Robb launched the music site louderthanwar.com in 2010 which reguarly features Ace releases on its pages.

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