Stuart Braithwaite (Mogwai)
Stuart Braithwaite is a Scottish guitarist, bassist, drummer, singer and songwriter. He is best known as the guitarist of post rock band Mogwai, with whom he has recorded eight studio albums.
Selected releases
The Cramps 'Smell Of Female'
The Cramps are probably the greatest rock and roll band of all time. They looked even better than they sounded and the sounded amazing. This is them live at their rawest and sleaziest. Essential.
Skip James 'Blues From The Delta'
I've never heard anyone play blues guitar like Skip James. He was one of a kind. As well as being a demonic guitarist his voice and piano playing are other worldly too. This is from his best period the early 1930s.
The Sonics 'Boom'
The Sonics are the quintessential garage rock band. This is utterly primal and amazing.
The Staple Singers 'The Ultimate Staple Singers: A Family Affair 1955-1984'
Very few things make me as happy as the Staple Singers music. Incredibly emotional and rich voices and wonderful tremolo electric guitar. One of the best groups of all time.
Bukka White 'Mississippi Blues'
Bukka White made the most rhythmical blues music. He played guitar incredibly percussively. Perfect driving music. He was also BB Kings uncle (fun fact!).
The Zombies 'Odessey & Oracle'
I think that this is the best English psychedelic record ever made. Pretty much a perfect album.
Cybotron 'Motor City Machine Music: An Exploration Of Cybotron'
This is as good as techno gets. Early 80s Detroit futurism. Wonderful.
Robbie Basho 'The Voice Of The Eagle'
Like the music of Skip James I learned about Robbie Basho via my friend David Pajo. Basho was a genius on acoustic guitar and also had a unique and engaging voice. One of a kind.